Counselling for Sexual Abuse
in Hampshire

What is the best therapy after sexual assault? What help is available to me following sexual abuse?

Help for victims of Sexual Abuse in Whiteley, Fareham, Portsmouth and Southampton

Sexual abuse can occur in various settings, including within families, intimate relationships, institutions, workplaces, or communities. It can have devastating and long-lasting effects on the victim's physical and mental health, leading to trauma, emotional distress, and a range of psychological issues. It is a violation of basic human rights and is considered a serious criminal offense.


Sexual abuse refers to any unwanted sexual activity or behaviour imposed upon an individual without their consent. It can encompass a wide range of actions, including but not limited to:

  1. Physical acts such as rape, molestation, or unwanted touching.

  2. Coercion or manipulation to engage in sexual acts against one's will.

  3. Sexual exploitation, including forced prostitution or pornography.

  4. Non-consensual sexual contact with a person who is unable to give consent due to age, incapacitation (due to alcohol or medication), or other factors.

  5. Any form of sexual harassment, intimidation, or inappropriate behaviour that creates a hostile or unsafe environment.


If you have been a victim of sexual abuse, it is not your fault and help is available to help you to recover from your abuse and to help you move on with your life and start to regain your self-control and self-respect.

If you have been the victim of sexual abuse or sexual trauma, you may well have emotional scars that are difficult to heal. Do you find that you frequently relive those experiences where you were abused and felt powerless to do anything about it? Is the person who abused you still present in your life in some way? Are they constantly undermining you? Are they there in your thoughts a lot? Sexual predators often seem to have control over their victims even if a long time has passed since the actual abuse took place. It’s as if they are still able to undermine your confidence and have control over your everyday life.

When an abuser first comes into your life they may appear to be charming and attentive. Without you even realising what is happening, they can quickly become controlling and manipulative under the guise of showing concern for you and your well-being.

Your abuser may at first explain their over-attentiveness as wanting to look after you and care for you. They may say they are only concerned with your happiness and in the beginning this can feel wonderful. After all, who wouldn’t be flattered by a ‘knight in shining armour’ showing them all that attention and care? This could well be the man or woman of your dreams; everything you’ve ever wished for! The truth is that this attentiveness is really just part of the grooming process. It’s the start of the process of taking away your feelings of independence and self-reliance.

As your abuser continues to manipulate you, you may find that they begin to criticise your clothes, your friends or your relatives. They may make you feel that you are continuously at fault, like you are a ‘bad person’. As this treatment continues you may become worn down with it and even start to believe it yourself, feeling that you should apologise for your faults and behaviour giving your abuser even more control over you.

  • Studies show that victims of childhood sexual abuse are more vulnerable and therefore more likely to go on to become victims of emotional, physical and/or sexual abuse as adults.

  • If you feel you are now, or have been in the past, a victim of sexual, emotional or physical abuse, then we have a friendly team of professional therapists and counsellors who can help you. Your personal therapist will listen to all your fears and anxieties and be able to help you to resolve any issues that are having a detrimental effect on your now. So if you are feeling, helpless, frightened and vulnerable as a result of being in or having been in any type of abusive relationship, then please get in touch with us now. We will be there for you to help you to get over the effects of the isolation and loneliness you may be feeling. Your confidentiality is guaranteed so please do not be afraid to call. We will support you in your personal journey as you come to terms with what has happened to you and help you to recover from the sexual abuse that you have been a victim of.

  • 1.Low self-esteem


    3.Lack of confidence/Feelings of being worthless


    5.Inability to control your weight

    6.Drinking too much

    7.Unable to sustain an intimate relationship

    8.Fear of sex / Pain during sex

    9.Feeling isolated

    10.Flashbacks of the abuse you have been the victim of


    12.Lack of trust

    13.Anxiety and panic attacks

    14.Feelings of guilt or extreme anger

    15.Severe gagging or a fear of being sick

  • Please don’t suffer in silence any longer. Call us in confidence on 0800 970 4776 today and we can have a confidential chat about how we can help you and arrange for you to come along for a free initial consultation at our practice in Fareham and in Southampton. If you prefer or live too far away, then we can offer you one-to-one video therapy sessions over WhatsApp, Skype or FaceTime. We look forward to your call and to meeting you very soon.